Knihu Poďme objavovať Slovensko už môžte podporiť na Startlabe

Posledné mesiace mimo priestory ateliéru veľmi nežijem, no kniha, na ktorej som po celý čas pracovala, je pre mňa dôležitá a výnimočná. Vytiahla zo mňa úplne všetko a ja teraz len dúfam, že tento post nebude patetický od vrchu až po spodok.

Keďže roky pozorujem nedostatok pekných pôvodných kníh pre najmenšie deti u nás, rozhodla som sa aspoň trochu prispieť ku zmene a vytvorila som veľkoformátovú obrázkovú knihu (board book) o Slovensku. Keď som bola malá, trávila som nad takýmito knižkami hodiny a hodiny a budem rada, ak sa mi pomocou tejto podarí podobné zážitky priniesť dnešným deťom. Kniha má 32 strán a prostredníctvom veľkých farebných ilustrácii si skupina zvieracích kamošov na čele s prasiatkom Oliverom zacestuje od Bratislavy, cez Banskú Štiavnicu, Bojnice, Vlkolínec, do Vysokých Tatier, na Spišský hrad, do kúpeľov, jaskýň, či Slovenského raja.

Knižka je dnes už hotová, no na to, aby sme ju mohli vytlačiť a vydať, potrebujeme Vašu pomoc.
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Prostredníctvom Startlabu si knižku viete predobjednať už teraz a doma ju budete mať takmer okamžite po tom, ako sa koncom októbra vynorí z tlačiarne. Veríme, že bude spolu s ďalšími užitočnými odmenami pekným vianočným darčekom pre malkáčov aj veľkáčov.

Nakoniec mi nedá nespomenúť ľudí, bez pomoci ktorých by kniha dodnes ležala na dne šuplíka. Moje kostrbaté texty učesala Vik Marcinova, človek, ktorý detskými knihami žije a dýcha. Grafický dizajn mala na starosti šampiónka fontov pre deti Martina Rozinajová. Korektúr sa obetavo ujali pozorné oči Mimy Fedorovej a za dohľad nad projektom ďakujem Daniela Šicková. Zuzana Mitošinková vďaka za ochotu a cenné rady a pomocné ruky Johanna, Zuzana a Duro boli pre mňa po celý čas nedoceniteľné.


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Poďme objavovať Slovensko book off to print tomorrow

This is the last sneak peek of the book that I have been working on for a while. In my next post, I hope to finally show the cover and few spreads, yay! We are sending this baby off to print tomorrow and then I guess I will crawl somewhere in the woods to just run and hibernate to get over the waiting anxiety. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Book Harvest in November!

I finally received the books I illustrated recently. I actually ordered them from an e-book store, because I could not wait any longer for my reference samples to arrive. All of these were published by Czech publisher Albatros recently. I am so proud of how they came out! Love to finally have the actual book home!

A book on how the road goes, written by Eva Oburkova, illustrated by me.

A book on how the road goes, written by Eva Oburkova, illustrated by me.

A book on how the river flows, written by Eva Oburkova, illustrated by me.

A book on how the river flows, written by Eva Oburkova, illustrated by me.

A Christmas activity book I did for Albatros, Czech republic.

A Christmas activity book I did for Albatros, Czech republic.

Prints for Exhibition

Not sure if I have mentioned this on here - but I''be taking part in illustration exhibition organized by Slovak Illustrators Association during the Bratislava Book Festival - BRAK. This is going to happen on the last weekend of May in Pisztory palace here in Bratislava. You can find more information here They do have some neat line-up.

So, I went to get some of my fresh work printed in the Calder design studio as they do giclee prints regularly and I just love it. Took a few shots of the work for you - it is so much different to see your art on screen of the computer than seeing it printed, with the paper texture...ohhh. Take a look! See you at BRAK!

These illustrations were originally created for B4U Publishing

The Meadow Board Book

For the past few weeks, I have been working on this extremely illustrated board book project - The Meadow. It's another great cooperation with the wonderful folks at B4U Publishing - check out their website here, they have so many fab projects! 

Anyways, the book is full of bugs, bees, flowers and other plants, it's also very interactive - lots of peek-a-boo holes, flaps to flip through, look and finds etc. It's really fun!

Will definitely let you know when the book is available for purchasing! Happy Thursday!

If you'd like to see more illustrations, please check out my Behance:

The River Boardbook

Long time no see! I know! Been doing quite a lot of traveling this Summer, I really needed a break. The good news is - I've been able to get back on track and start fresh with new projects on my desk. This one is a cute board-book on how the river goes from the source to the mouth. Hope to see the real thing soon as it is a nice cut out and should look real good once it's done. Until then - a few illos for you to see what's up :-)